
Cheap Westchester County Divorce Lawyer

Cheap Divorce Attorney Westchester


Cheap Westchester County Divorce Lawyer


Separating from your spouse is hard enough emotionally; let us help you with the rest. Skilled in family practice, Westchester divorce lawyer Gregory Salant and his legal team are here to help you tackle the overwhelm step-by-step. To simplify what the process looks like, schedule your free one-on-one consultation through email at or by calling 914-683-2500.

What if cost is an issue?

Our Westchester team of lawyers prioritizes providing affordable services to make your experience the best it can be. With a results-driven approach, we keep time-sensitive and cost-effective strategies at the forefront of what we do. Our job is to reduce your challenge, not add to it.

What can you expect from our time together?

During your consultation, you can expect to get clear on your goals with our support to learn how we can protect you best. We work collaboratively to fight for your needs to allow you to move on with ease.

What if my spouse doesn't wish to participate?

You can still file and proceed without spouse approval. The court will still grant access if the spouse gets notified when a petition is filed. Can this get difficult? Sure, but that's why we're here, to walk you through everything from start to finish. We understand that this situation is tricky, but one you feel is best. Our support lies with you as we navigate what comes along.

You have a legal right to obtain proper solutions that restore what you deserve. Our team is here to serve, listen and clarify what your fight looks like.

Separating from your spouse is hard enough emotionally; let us help you with the rest. Skilled in family practice, Westchester divorce lawyer Gregory Salant and his legal team are here to help you tackle the overwhelm step-by-step. To simplify what the process looks like, schedule your free one-on-one consultation through email at or by calling 914-683-2500.